🚀For you who have passion for Start-up. We dare you to join us!🚀 🏫Institute of Leadership Development University of Indonesia (ILeaD UI) proudly present: *NUSANTARA LEADERSHIP CAMP 2017* 🔆"Start-up for Social Responsibility Competition"🔆 🗓🏢When and where? Mark your calendar! Malaysia, August, 9-11 2017 📌 ❓What's on NLC 2017? Visitation to Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia, Social Project Start-up competition, Start-up 101 Workshops, KL City Tour, Company visit to MaGIC, Team Building, Meet the CEOs, ESQ Leadership Training 👊🏻 📚If you: College student from ASEAN countries, Have a social project idea for Start-up ✔Go register yourself or your team on: ✔(Registration Fee: IDR 50.000) Please transfer to 5 300 3 300 33 account name: institute of leadership and development, bank: BNI syariah) 🏆🏅🎁Awards: 🥇First: IDR 15.000.000 🥈Second: IDR 10.000.000 🥉Third: IDR 5.000.000 ...